team page

Meet The Team

We are powered by People! We are convinced that we have the correct individuals to assist you in your globalization journey because our staff members are completely committed to the successful outcomes for our partners.




Jaya Singh

Jaya Singh

VP Agent Relations

Rahul Sarkar

Rahul Sarkar

Recruitment Manager



Sr. BDM Nepal

Anmol Gupta

Anmol Gupta

Sr. BDM Africa

Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi

BDM Africa

Deepti Dey

Deepti Dey

BDM Africa

Md. Rezon

Md. Rezon

BDM Bangladesh



Admissions Manager



Admission Support



Admission Support



Admission Support

Divya Gupta

Divya Gupta

Admission Support

Gurupadh Maity

Gurupadh Maity

Digital Marketing Mgr.

What our team has to say…

For the time being, technology appears to be wiser than people, but only because it can acquire resources quicker than humans. They still lack the creative attitude that distinguishes humans as inventors. EDUMANDATE offers a distinct work culture that fosters our aim of becoming the premier provider of impactful and creative solutions for global market entrance and expansion. EDUMANDATE’s personnel is global-minded, caring, and intellectually curious, with offices throughout India and Southeast Asia. Our united dedication to ensuring our partners’ worldwide growth plans succeed is what motivates us, and it’s what we like doing. When we are not discussing company things, we are focused on deepening our ties with colleagues and peers, and you will frequently hear us discuss our families, the last vacation we had, or our future travel plans.


Merely adopting more technology isn’t enough to survive as a competitive enterprise. What most companies miss is that becoming a forward-thinking company requires us to become more human, not less. The success of becoming a leader in this new era doesn’t come from focusing on tech—but rather on people. Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, I worked from home for most of my work hours after joining EDUMANDATE. However, I have been able to interact and collaborate with partners and colleagues from Canada, India, and other nations thanks to the close-knit structure of work. It was quite remarkable to watch the organization accept difficulties and consistently develop, whether via investment or recruiting in recent months. These firm tactics to give unflinching assistance to all of our stakeholders during these uncertain times, I believe, will propel EDUMANDATE to worldwide greatness in no time. I’m delighted to be here.


My accomplishment is due to EDUMANDATE’s professional attitude and a supportive team. I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to work with outstanding professionals and industry leaders from all around the world. EDUMANDATE supports personal development of its employees in addition to professional development. The establishment of a platform such as the Centre of Excellence, which motivates us to study, interact, and enhance our abilities, has been a motivating force. As a result, the voyage has been fantastic thus far, and I am quite appreciative. I am also excited to work closely with the team and contribute to the growth of the new Southeast Asia center.



“Ready to take the leap? Book your appointment now to become our esteemed agent partner for study abroad programs. Let’s embark on a rewarding journey together! “

partner with us

Contact Us

Edu Mandate
Operations Office: 912, 9th floor, Vishal Tower, Kirti Shikar, District Centre, Janakpuri, Delhi, 110058

Email Id:

Business Number: +91-859-551-1627

Bank Transfrer Details